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Managerie Training Products

In association with the University of Leeds, we offer a variety of flexible courses which address and fit in with the current and future needs of businesses and other organisations.

Courses can be focused on Management Development, Team Skills Acquisition, Team Building, Performance Management, Strategic Development, Emergency Management, Communication, Lifelong Learning, etc.

We stress the need for our training courses to meet your specific needs and right from the outset you will be working and planning with staff who actually run the courses.

An Example: The Team Skills Development Course

Skills of communication, review, feedback, teamwork, leadership, effective use of resources, recognition of and response to dilemma and conflict, negotiation, problem solving, time management etc., are all addressed by the individual working in a team environment. The courses make full use of the delegates' preferred learning and management styles, and through reviews, highlight essential links with the work environment. We are able to evaluate the progress (+ve & -ve) that is made, and we use this to demonstrate in real time whether issues and process problems are being addressed effectively and to identify areas which need to be addressed further. We stress the importance of success being related to the process rather than the tasks (activities).

Follow-up and evaluation

The programmes are run with continual reference back to the workplace so that the learning can be transferred meaningfully. We have innovative training materials to continue the learning process back at work in such a way that completely new concepts can be addressed within the workplace rather than on an outside formal course. From a business point of view, this is a more effective use of resources, more cost effective as staff are not 'lost' temporarily, and more practical as the training is available at the point of use and can be shared with those who have not been on a formal course.

The Locations

Courses can be run in-house, at a location near you or at the University of Leeds Centre, in the heart of the Yorkshire Dales (approx 90 minutes drive from Leeds or Manchester).

Training Products Training Courses Evaluation

First Aid Team Skills Design Service

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All products are distributed under License

For more information on our products, design services or training courses, please:

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